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If you have a child who still likes to suck his thumb there are a couple of things you can do to help them stop. Most doctors will tell you that it's best just to leave it alone and as they grow up they usually stop sucking their thumb. If they're starting to get older and it's affecting their ability to function especially if they're going to school or they're getting teased about it, there are a couple of things you can do. Kids usually respond really well to positive reinforcement. First and foremost if you notice that they've gone a day without doing it maybe you can have a sticker chart or some sort of reward program that serves as an incentive for them to not do it. The more they think about not doing it the more likely they are to overcome it naturally on their own. Whatever you do avoid teasing them or using any sort of negative reinforcement when they do suck their thumb. Because this will scare them and likely make them want to suck it more because it's a source of comfort. If your child is sucking his thumb because he's bored then try to keep him distracted or put something in his hands to help keep him from sucking his thumbs. I've heard of suggestions like silly putty, Play-Doh those sorts of things if they like to do it when they're watching TV, something that they may just do when they're sitting there and they're bored. Also check out your child's mouth and if you notice that his teeth are coming in funny or if they're starting to push out or if the palette, the top of his mouth, is misshapen then it would be best to talk to the dentist or the pediatrician. Sometimes little devices are necessary to make it uncomfortable when your child sucks his thumb. These extreme methods aren't always necessary if the basics work first. Sometimes parents have found success if they just put something bitter tasting on the thumb. Then when they suck their thumb they're reminded that that's nasty and that helps them naturally overcome the desire to want to do it. If you're still having problems at the end of the day, all the basics have been tried, it's not working, talk to the pediatrician and they may have additional recommendations. But if you have other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.
How can I get my toddler to stop sucking his thumb?How can I get my toddler to stop sucking his thumb?How can I get my toddler to stop sucking his thumb?How can I get my toddler to stop sucking his thumb?
How can I get my toddler to stop sucking his thumb?